J. Synak, A. Rybarczyk, J. Blazewicz

One of the main questions in modern biology is how the life on Earth had actually started. One of the hypotheses explaining this is RNA World, which states that at the very beginning RNA molecules served both as enzymes and genetic information careers. However, even if this is true, there are a lot of questions to be answered, for example whether the population of such molecules could achieve stability and retain genetic information for many generations, which is necessary for the Darwinian evolution to start. We try to answer this question based on the parasite-replicase model, which divides RNA molecules into enzymes (replicases) capable of catalyzing replication and parasites, which can (contrary to their name) perform other important functions, for example storing the genetic information. Our main method is to model such system using partial differential equations and using computers – find general rules governing its evolution. Everything is modelled using methods adapted from chemistry – every type of molecule has a certain density, which can change according to possible chemical reactions.

Keywords: RNA World, simulation, partial differential equations, population dynamics


TB2 Bioinformatics
June 10, 2021  11:15 AM
2 - LV Kantorovich

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