S. M. Nigdeli, A. Alzarkan, G. Bekdaş

The structural engineering problems include a high number of design constraints. In that case, these problems cannot be optimized via mathematical methods. For that reason, the best way to optimize is to provide an iterative optimization. the iterative optimization can be provided via metaheuristics, since these algorithms have a good convergence ability and efficiency in structural optimization. In this study, four metaheuristic methods such as jaya algorithm (JA), flower pollination (FPA), teaching-learning based optimization (TLBO) and artificial bee algorithm (ABC) were used to solve three structural engineering problem such as minimizing the cost of welded beam, cost optimization of reinforced concrete beam and weight optimization of 2-bar truss. Three algorithms JA, FPA and TLBO are quite better than the ABC in finding a minimum objective function.

Keywords: Optimization, Metaheuristic methods, Optimum design, Structural engineering


FA2 Heuristics 1
June 11, 2021  9:15 AM
2 - LV Kantorovich

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